Welcome to the evolving electronic age of the 70's. This page is all about the amazing things discovered in the 1970's and all of the insane inventions.


Invention: Rubiks Cube. The Rubiks Cube was invented in 1974 by proffesor Emo Rubik. The original Rubiks Cube was named Magic Cube. 350 million Rubiks Cubes have been sold world wide and it is the worlds top selling puzzle game. Its the world top selling toy.

Invention: Digital Camera. The Digital Camera was invented by Steven Sasson in 1975. Steven accepted the challenge to make the digital camera. It was a bold move but it was a good choice.



Discoveries : In 1974, Henry Jay Heimlich invented the heimlich menuver. 

In 1977, Margaret Mead discovered that men do really feel emotions. In the AFC divisional playoff she observed a man crying after his team won. 

In 1971, Susan Leemandetermined the eleven amino acid structure of the peptide, Substance P.

In 1971, Robert Trivers extended the notion of reciprocity to the explanation of altruism.

Medicine in the far out 70's?! Oh yeah!

In the 1970's, there were many medicines created and improved from labeling to the medicine it's self! Of course there are so many others, but these examples will give you an idea on what had changed history because of the 1970s!
There were many first vaccines in the 1970s. In 1970 exactly, there was the first vaccine for Rubella (also known as german measles). In 1974, there was the first vaccine for Chicken Pox. In 1977, there was the first vaccine for pneumonia, and in 1978, there was the first vaccine for meningitis. According to http://en.wikipedia.org/, a vaccine is a preperation, or shot, that helps to become immune to a disease.

In 1974, there was a change in food labeling. It was very important, because now it listed nutrition information, and also showed per servings of saturated fat, cholesteral, and other nutrients that are a concern to some people about health. It also showed serving sizes so people knew what was best, and it helped people make more healthy choices. This was also important because it listed foods that some people have allergic reactions.


A drug often given to patients suffering from depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder, bulimia nervosa and panic disorder. Known by the generic name Fluoxetine, it was formulated in the 1970s by Dr. Bryan Molloy of Eli Lilly and is considered the most prescribed anti-depressant drug in medical history since its FDA approval in 1987.
“Giorgio Fischer a gynecologist invented liposuction

Liposuction (or lipoplasty) is a technique in which excess fatty tissue is suctioned from beneath the skin. Prior to surgery, doctors flush the targeted area or areas with a solution composed of lidocaine (a local anesthetic similar in its numbing effects to novocaine), saline, and epinephrine (a drug that constricts blood vessels and thus reduces bleeding during surgery).”

Source of paragraph:   http://history-timeline.deepthi.com/medical-history-timeline/medical-history-timeline-1971-1980.html
A pacemaker-like device, the implantable type of which was developed by M. Stephen Heilman, Michel Mirowski, Alois Langer and Morton Mower in the 1970s. The malfunction in the heart's natural electrical conduction system can cause an uncoordinated contraction of the heart muscle that may result in cardiac arrest. So this gadget is often employed to synchronize the electrical impulses with the resulting contractions.Source: HealthMad


Boomboxes were invented in 1976 or in the late 1970's at least. They eventually lead to great inventions like the Ipod and other MP3 players.