
(Discovered/Invented in the 1970‘s)

Giorgio Fischer a gynecologist invented liposuction

Liposuction (or lipoplasty) is a technique in which excess fatty tissue is suctioned from beneath the skin. Prior to surgery, doctors flush the targeted area or areas with a solution composed of lidocaine (a local anesthetic similar in its numbing effects to novocaine), saline, and epinephrine (a drug that constricts blood vessels and thus reduces bleeding during surgery).”

Source of paragraph:   http://history-timeline.deepthi.com/medical-history-timeline/medical-history-timeline-1971-1980.html


In the 1970’s it was estimated that 20-25% workers that handled asbestos developed lung cancer. Smoker’s who handled asbestos had a much higher risk of getting lung cancer than non-smoker’s who handled it. All asbestos products were either removed or  isolated from human contact. It has cost many organizations alot of money to go through the process of abatement, isolating the asbestos from human contact.

Source: Healthmad and Dad


Prozac is a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor which alters how chemicals are handled in the brain. In 1970 it came out and treated depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder. This type of antidepressant is better than anti-depressants previously available because depressed people may take overdoses and this medication is not as much of a concern when overdosed.

Source:HealthMad and Mom

In Vitro Fertilization

"A fertilization technique that offers hope for infertile couples, though it has raised ethical issues since its development in 1978 by British doctors Patrick Steptoe and Robert Edwards. It involves the extraction of eggs from the ovaries and fertilizing them with sperm in a fluid medium, after which the fertilized eggs are transplanted into the uterus with the objective of inducing pregnancy."


"A pacemaker-like device, the implantable type of which was developed by M. Stephen Heilman, Michel Mirowski, Alois Langer and Morton Mower in the 1970s. The malfunction in the heart's natural electrical conduction system can cause an uncoordinated contraction of the heart muscle that may result in cardiac arrest. So this gadget is often employed to synchronize the electrical impulses with the resulting contractions."

Source: HealthMad (All)
